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 Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful night, and a wonderful week so far. I want to talk about something that has been happening to me lately... The passed few months I have not been able to remember my dreams when I woke up, and I was pretty sad about it... BUT  I would rather not remember them than have nightmares! Which is what has been happening lately. I wonder why that is. You're perfectly happy and suddenly your brain is like "but what if this happened?!" No. No brain, this hypothetical nightmare scape you've created would literally never happen, ever.  So what's the deal with this? Someone explain to me the science behind a vengeful brain. Like I said before, I would rather go back to not remembering them if this is the alternative. πŸ˜‚ Anyway, I hope you all are having wonderful dreams, and you're not being attacked by wild, scary dreams with no data to back up its images πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Please let me know in the comments below if you have way to escape bad drea
Recent posts

Wedding Planning

 Good morning everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Quick note, I'm changing the naming convention of my posts, again.. I'm still waking up a bit earlier though! I fell off a little, but, I'm slowly making it back to 6 am. Does anyone have any tips on how to get out of my cool, crisp, amazingly comfy bed in the morning? As most of you who read my blog already know, I'm engaged, to my best friend! (Who I mentioned years ago on here..) And well, we're planning our wedding! 165 days to go! And as that countdown number gets smaller, my anxiety gets higher and higher, there is still SO MUCH left to plan.  My main focus right now is florals, did you guys know how expensive flowers are? It's probably one of the most expensive individual parts so far (not including the venue). I need a few tips on talking to florists, and how to get the most bang for my buck. Help wanted. πŸ˜‚ I'll be emailing florists here shortly so any help I can get would be appreciated.  I

Week 3 - Good Morning!

 Goooooood Morning! I'm going to come right out with it. I have not been doing great at getting up early. That's because over the weekend, I decided that what I wanted to do with my extra time, was cuddle with my fiancΓ©. It was late mornings from there. BUT! Here I am, at 6:30am, writing to you. It's not all bad! I'm up earlier than usual. Positive thinking right? Had an amazing weekend, had a photoshoot with some women I didn't really know and we pretended we were in a Coven for Halloween, I'll attach some stuff for you to look at. πŸ‘€ And as always life is busy busy busy, but I'm choosing to look at it as "productive".  I always like ticking something off my list!  Next list to start working on, my wedding planning list. Who would have thought there was SO much to getting married! πŸ˜… I hope you enjoyed the small snippet I shared! Comment and tell me what you thought!

Week 2 - Thursday

 Hello! It's another early morning for me. Setting my alarm before 6, just so I can snooze it a few times has been working.  I've managed to get out of bed by 6:10-6:15, and I still find myself thinking that it isn't enough time to do what I want to do. I need to start getting up earlier but I want to master 6am before I attempt anything earlier. What do you think? This week I asked my friends on social media what time they get up, and why. A majority of the people who answered were already getting up at 7am or as early as 4am! But what I found was that only 2 of them were doing it for themselves. About 99% of them were getting up early for a work commute or their children, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. I personally think that as long as you're productive when you wake up, that's all that matters.  When you have kids it makes it a bit more difficult to wake up and spend an hour or so just on yourself. My friend who is keeping me accountable, has 2

Week 2 - Monday Morning!

 Good Morning lovelies and happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I know I did πŸ˜€ Got up early again this morning, after sleeping in a bit over the weekend. It was a bit harder this morning.  The next thing I'm going to start trying is setting my alarms a bit earlier, because I like to be able to hit snooze and sleep a bit longer.  My conversation with Joel went really well, and I'm looking forward to continuing our professional relationship. I feel like I learned a lot from him, and would like to learn more of course! My life has been crazy lately, and I'm finding it to be extremely beneficial for me to wake up early and get some things taken care of. What have you guys been doing in your life that you count as win? Any new routines you've implemented? Short, sweet, and to the point I hope! Have a wonderful day, and start to your week!

Week 1 - Day 4

 Good morning, good morning! I can’t believe that it’s Thursday already! Waking up early has been a bit more difficult than I expected.  I’ll admit it again, I have flaws. 6am seems to be too early for me, but 6:20…6:20 is an acceptable time… For some reason those 20 extra minutes are extremely important to half-asleep me. I’m going to have to work harder when it comes to getting up at 6. Do you guys have any suggestions? Unrelated but, I do have some exciting news! When I first decided to start getting up early, I searched on Spotify “getting up early” and came across an episode from “How to Money” that had a guest called “5am Joel”. For those who want to listen, the title of the episode is “Waking Up Early and Intentional Living with 5am Joel #154”. I listened to the episode hoping to gain some insight and in turn, I became motivated to start blogging again and living my life intentionally. Joel spoke about a morning email that he puts out, sort of a way to keep himself accountable w

Week 1- Day 2 - Waking up Early

Good morning, everyone! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Well, my week started off a little rocky. I got up 20 minutes late yesterday, and I feel like it threw off my whole day. I couldn’t do all the things I wanted to accomplish.  I was able to wash my face, listen to my podcast for the day, and put on some Halloween nails, because who doesn’t love the spooky season right? I couldn’t write my blog post for Monday, journal, or write in my Positive Journal. But that’s okay! Mistakes happen, that is just part of growing as a person. I think it is important to note that every process is not a straight line, and that is okay. Life just doesn’t work that way. With that being said, I did get up on time this morning!  So far, my morning routine is finding a podcast while I lay in bed a bit longer, and once that is found, I’ll get up to wash my face. I think washing my face helps wake me up a bit.  After that, I will try to tackle everything I wanted to do. So this morning, I wrote in bo